One executive at a time, Leading by DESIGN is dedicated to making West Michigan the place to find the country’s best leaders.

Founded by Rodger Price in 2014, Leading by DESIGN was built on the premise that leadership skills are not always inherent, but when those skills are offered through experiential and reinforced learning models, they can be developed.

Our mission is to do everything possible to help you discover and develop your unique design for leading well.


Learn more about LEAD 24/7: A year of study, practice, and growth.

Meet the Leading by DESIGN Team

Rodger Price

Founder & Managing Partner

Rodger considers himself one part engineer, one part businessman, many parts coach and teacher. With a passion for science, learning, and faith, Rodger brings a unique perspective to leadership development. He founded Leading by DESIGN in 2014.

Jeffrey Boersma


Launched from a career in manufacturing, Jeff has coached top-level leaders since 2000 in a variety of industries, including business, education, and non-profit organizations. Not only is he a great coach, he has a doctorate in leadership and has trained dozens of other coaches.

Meredith Nieuwsma


Meredith coaches all kinds of people in different stages of life, with an emphasis on women, emerging leaders, and people in the midsts of career transitions. Not only is Meredith a great coach, she has trained hundreds of people on how to coach.

Gerald Alvaro


Gerald has a deep care for people. He coached individuals and built multiple leadership development programs, which helped people reach new heights in their careers and personal lives. Gerald has passionately given his life to building up those around him in his workplace, church, and community.

Dave Ozios


After spending 25 years leading in the corporate arena, Dave was drawn to our mission to develop amazing leaders in West Michigan.  He enjoys teaching and helping leaders develop their unique potential which he has done with dozens of people in both the corporate and non profit world.

Elizabeth Rolinski

Managing Partner

After years of building and leading teams across the globe as a key operations leader, Elizabeth Rolinski is passionate about developing west Michigan leaders.  She enjoys creating environments where each member of the team is invested, growing, and excited about their work.

Meet the TEAM