Who’s Your BFF?

Who’s Your BFF?

In one of my former work positions, I received an annual review from our executive board. I dreaded it every year. Part of the reason I dreaded it was because I knew that this group saved up everything I did wrong or right from the last 12 months and then dumped it on...

Thank You and I’m Sorry

(This post is written for alumni of LEAD 365, although all are welcome to read it.) Two of the important things that great leaders do well are expressing thanks and offering apologies. Learning to give credit where credit is due and owning up to the times we needed to...
Leading Yourself

Leading Yourself

(This post is written for alumni of LEAD 365, although all are welcome to read it.) How well do you remember the session on personal management? For most of us, this session came second to last and yet may be the most important session in terms of the sustainability...
What Not To Forget

What Not To Forget

(This post is written for alumni of LEAD365, although all are welcome to read it.) I recently had a coaching session with the CEO of a West Michigan Company. In preparation for the session, I had accessed the website of the company.  Not surprisingly the website...
Purpose, Vision, and Values

Purpose, Vision, and Values

(This post is written for alumni of LEAD365, although all are welcome to read it.) Purpose, Vision, and Values Mission and purpose are two words we often use interchangeably. Purpose answers the question “why do we exist?” For individuals and organizations, having a...