At Leading by DESIGN we’re on a mission to help West Michigan become the hotbed of the best leaders in the country. A core to our work is helping leaders explore their unique design so they can make their most positive mark in the world. When you look deeply...
At our annual alumni gathering, NFL quarterback and Holland, Michigan native, Kirk Cousins joined Leading by DESIGN founder Rodger Price to discuss the lessons in leadership he’s gleaned throughout his storied college and pro-football career. Their conversation...
The turning of the year is a human construct, but we still imbue it with all kinds of meaning. I don’t go in much for resolutions, and the statistics about people actually keeping those resolutions (Save more! Eat healthy! Call my mom!) is kind of laughable. Still, to...
“Success leads to happiness” is a story. It’s so powerful and pervasive a story that often we don’t even realize that it’s working in our lives as a kind of operating system below our consciousness. We’re following a narrative that we haven’t consciously...
Have you ever considered why some people exert a tractor-beam like quality on you? In my experience we’re attracted to people based on some strange alchemy of their personality, appearance, and values. This is certainly true of my wife of nearly twenty years....
You’re getting warmer, you’re getting colder Are you unintentionally playing a game of “You’re getting warmer, you’re getting colder” as a leader? That’s the question Rodger Price explores in a recent article for the Grand...
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