How Flexible Are You?

How Flexible Are You?

Fellow Leaders, I’ve always enjoyed being active—running, hiking, biking, strength-training and sports have been routines for me since I was young. But something changed about 10 years ago. I started to get plagued with injuries. I hurt my back, my neck, my calves,...
It’s All About the Audience

It’s All About the Audience

Fellow Leaders, Remember the chapter on Public Speaking? Learning public speaking is part science and part art. The science part can be taught, and the art can be discovered and developed through experience. If you are like me, I tend to learn the most from...
Putting It Out There

Putting It Out There

My fellow leaders, I’ve put it out there and I can’t take it back. Too many people know. Too many have heard. I’ve talked about it too many times. There is no turning back. And I do have some fears. What if we don’t make it? What if the current favorable conditions...