The Twilight Zone
I’m not sure if you know this, but next to Christmas, Halloween is the most expensive holiday in the calendar year. The average American spends more on Halloween than on any other holiday, save Christmas. This is my Halloween blog. You are traveling through another...
Growth Over Time
Many of you have heard me say that concepts often work on me, whether I want them to or not. My ego would like to claim that I’m working on them, but I have to admit that I often feel like I have no choice—some concepts just seem to wrestle with me until I feel like...
Leaning Into Healthy Conflict, Part Two
Last week’s post was meant to remind you why leaning into healthy conflict is so important. Today’s post is meant to remind you of the model itself. The First Step: Begin the Conversation In the Leaning into Healthy Conflict model, there are two ways to begin a...
Leaning Into Healthy Conflict, Part One
LEAD 24/7 alums, do you recall the number one thing we wish leaders in West Michigan would do better? Yes, it’s being willing and able to lean into potential disagreements, or what we call leaning into healthy conflict. Today’s post is the first of two on the subject....
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