The Common Phases of Growth

The Common Phases of Growth

As I age and become more aware of people over 60 I see two kinds of older people: those who are curmudgeons and those who are amazing. My theory for why this happens is that real, deep change is hard, and I suspect that it gets even harder the older one gets. Those...

Real. Deep. Change.

Real. Deep. Change.

REAL Real value from your journey through LEAD 365, or any leader development engagement, only happens when something changes in your behavior. Knowing something doesn’t bring value—unless it leads to doing something in a better way. Learning a new concept or...

Vision Worth Fighting For

Vision Worth Fighting For

Fellow leaders, My guess is that most of us have not heard of Field Marshall Bernard Montgomery. I want to introduce you to him today even though he died back in 1976.  Bernard Montgomery led and fought in World War I and World War II. In fact, he fought in about ten...

Giving Long-Overdue Feedback

Giving Long-Overdue Feedback

Early in my career I ran a database, and I trained a lot of people how to use it. Being new to the database, the people I trained often made little mistakes. I didn’t want to hurt their feelings or seem overly critical, so I didn’t say anything. Instead, I’d just fix...

