Leadership in Aisle 4

Leadership in Aisle 4

A few weeks ago my daughter and I walked to our local grocery store. Shortly after we got there, the manager made an announcement letting shoppers know that they were having some software issues with their cash registers, that they were working hard to get things...

Going Without

Going Without

(This post was first published here on April 25, 2016.) How long can you go without eating? I’m not asking about what the experts would tell you. I mean, how long can YOU go without eating? What is the longest you’ve ever gone without any calories? As a way to manage...



Today’s post was originally published here on March 28, 2016.  How is your career going? How is your family life? How are your finances? How are your stocks doing? You may be thinking, “Why so many questions about how I’m doing?” I’m asking because it will help me...

Stampeding Elephants

Stampeding Elephants

Imagine that you're taking a walk along a path outside. As you round a bend, you see an elephant. Before you have a chance to think, his ears go up, his head drops, and he starts to charge straight at you. What do you do? What would you do if you were in the path of a...

