Leaning Into Healthy Conflict: A Refresher
This post was first published on the Leading by DESIGN blog on June 27, 2016. In this post I will answer some questions that have come up from time to time about the model we use for engaging conflict. Do you remember the model? It’s six...
Repurposing the 5 Whys
The 5 Whys I think all of you LEAD 365 alumni know that I like antiques. There is an expression in the world of antiques called repurposing—when you take something old and use if for a different purpose than originally intended. (Think of an old manufacturing cart...
How Flexible Are You?
Fellow Leaders, I’ve always enjoyed being active—running, hiking, biking, strength-training and sports have been routines for me since I was young. But something changed about 10 years ago. I started to get plagued with injuries. I hurt my back, my neck, my calves,...
Feedback – My Team’s Turn
In my last blog, I wrote about the power of feedback and how the leader should solicit feedback in order to grow. As you grow and get better yourself, you are raising the standard for your team. I love the quote by Tyron Edwards (an American Theologian), which reads,...
Anatomy of a Value
I’ve been taking a deeper dive into the DoKnowBe Tree as of late—especially the relationship between beliefs and values. I’ve known for a long time that beliefs and values are intricately woven together. I suspect that values (those things that we hold as most...
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