How do you tackle a problem? How do you pursue an idea? I don’t mean in the technical sense: breaking down a problem into its smallest parts, or most fundamental questions, doing market research, soliciting feedback, getting the right people in the room. Those are all...
At his trial in 399 BC, Plato records his (soon to be condemned) teacher Socrates uttering the famous maxim: “The unexamined life is not worth living.” It’s a powerful idea, and I generally agree with it. However, the reality is that plenty of people, including...
Executives from RoMan Manufacturing and Grand Rapids Chair Company Share Their Stories Our LEAD 24/7 program mixes leaders from several organizations into year-long cohorts to learn and grow together as they discover their unique design for leadership. But just as...
“There is never a good time for a busy man to take a vacation. And since there is never a good time, he might as well take it whenever he wants.” – Bill Buckley While my work output has never been so prodigious as Bill Buckley’s–magazine founder, editor,...
I’m generically middle aged now. Just past 40, and saying things like, “When I was your age…” That’s all normal as far as it goes, I think, but these middle years also correspond with the asking of big questions, like: Is this the work I’m best suited for? How long...
At Leading by DESIGN we’re on a mission to help West Michigan become the hotbed of the best leaders in the country. A core to our work is helping leaders explore their unique design so they can make their most positive mark in the world. When you look deeply...
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