Diversity in West Michigan

Diversity in West Michigan

I have a client who has become a fast-friend over the past two years since he’s lived in West Michigan. He really likes what we are doing at Leading by DESIGN and agrees with us that West Michigan could be the hotbed of great leadership in the country. It’s really...

Vulnerability and the Johari Window

Vulnerability and the Johari Window

Remember the Johari Window?  Many of us were introduced to the Johari Window in the chapter on Feedback.  If you went back to your slides, you would notice that there are 4 quadrants.  In the upper right is the “I know, You know” box.  In the lower right is the “I...

The Value of Business and the Business of Value

The Value of Business and the Business of Value

Today’s posting is a little different. Most of our topics fall clearly into one of our three main categories of topics from LEAD 365: 1) Being a person worth following; 2) building a great team; or 3) creating clarity around purpose, vision and value. Today’s topic is...

