Listening in a Time of Crisis

Listening in a Time of Crisis

The global pandemic of 2020-2022 will (eventually) offer us case studies in leadership during a time of extreme anxiety. While the definitive books about this season in leadership haven’t been written (yet), I think a key element will be that the pandemic acted...
Are You Like Most People?

Are You Like Most People?

(A version of this post was originally published here on December 17, 2017.) Here is a little quiz for you: the phrase “seek first to understand, then to be understood” comes from which of the following? The LEAD 24/7 segment on high-impact listening. The...
The Three Ears of Great Listening

The Three Ears of Great Listening

A version of this post was first published here on July 15, 2018. Great listening is hard work. When done well, listening will yield huge dividends. If you are not fatigued after a period of focused listening, there’s a pretty good chance that you weren’t listening as...
I’m Listening

I’m Listening

Dr. Frasier Crane was the main character on the show Frasier. He played a psychiatrist who had his own radio show in the Pacific Northwest in Seattle, Washington. His radio show had a call-in format. People called in with their problems, and he dispensed advice. The...